I am in the process of reading a very good book about finding creative ways to market your business on a shoestring. One of the suggestions is bartering. I am having a little trouble visualizing how a soap company barters. I've heard of these multiple party bartering circles, but they seem rather complex. I guess I would like to engage in some targeted marketing without dropping the thousands of dollars I don't have.
First, I have to think about who might benefit from free soap.
Perhaps I could supply a local Bed and Breakfast with free or discounted soap in exchange for, say, a prominently placed ad for my company in all of their suites. That way, I can be pretty sure that the clients will sample my product and if they like it, they know where to go to find it.
Any ideas on bartering?
Well, I am not sure about bartering...hmm. I really should do some research on that. One thing I did last year was donate a ton of product to Farm Sanctuary's Gala in LA. It was a big deal and they were so happy, they gave me a free ad. (I think I got one sale from that promotion, so I'll just consider that donation coming from the bottom of my animal loving heart.)
the first thing you can do is advertise on my blog. It is $10 a week. :P
#2: You could write a funny little story as a soapmaker and I can post it as a guest posting.
.... I am not done. I have to sciddaddle
I would love to advertise on your blog :) And I will work on a story.
I really appreciate your feedback and ideas ...
okay, I am back...
#3: Send your soap to magazines (I can help)That is kind of bartering if they write about you. You give them soap. If they like it or it fits into a theme that they are working on, you get a review!
#4: Go rent the movie "Cloverfield" immediately - oh my - saw it last night. I was wrapped the whole time.
#6: What about cross promoting too with me or someone else? Let me think some more about that...
I must stay on topic of bartering. I Am just babbling. Tell me what you learned.
You know, when I first saw the preview for Cloverfield, I was totally stroked to see it! Then, I sort of forgot about it. Thanks for reminding me!
I thought about sending my soap to magazines (with a short bio) or sending a punk rock gift set to our local alternative station. There is a midday DJ who might dig it.
Think about #6 - I am definitely open to that. :)
I forgot #5, didn't I :D
Any ideas? I'll think...
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