Friday, April 24, 2009

Home Facial 2

[I love fresh roses. My grandma Stella was a huge fan of them, too. She planted several rose bushes in my parents' yard that still bloom today. I would really like to try this facial.]

Rose Face Mask for Combination Skin
This mask, based on roses, is perfect for balancing out the oily and dry areas of your skin.

  • 6 fresh rose petals
  • 2 tbsps rosewater
  • 1 tbsp natural yogurt, room temperature (not lowfat or non-fat)
  • 1 tbsp runny honey (to get honey runny, you can warm it in a microwave for a few seconds).

  1. Soak rose petals, then crush them in a bowl.
  2. Add the rosewater, yogurt and honey.
  3. Mix well and apply to the skin.
  4. Leave on for 10 minutes.
  5. Rinse.
* from

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