Friday, May 15, 2009

Lab Notes

I attended the Local Producers Seminar at Whole Foods yesterday. It was a very interesting and informative event. Whole Foods is so very dedicated to their green mission - it is something that all of their employees are terrifically excited about. And it is contagious! I consider myself to be a fairly green person, though I haven't exactly started to compost. Yet.

When I met with the Whole Body folks, I was really inspired. Their standards are very high and they do not accept product that isn't 100% natural (save for 1 or 2 lines that I assume were grandfathered in somehow). They encouraged me to create several soaps for Whole Foods that were void of any type of synthetic dye or fragrance. When Whole Foods speaks, Kim listens!

Here is the plan, at this point:

Pauline, my lavender soap, will soon be scented with a lavender essential oil and dyed with botanicals. I am also going to be using locally grown lavender buds to decorate the soap.

Stella Baby, which is already 100% natural, will become a larger bar and will likely undergo a name change. I like, "The Straight Soap," like the name of this blog, but it isn't final.

Tempest, already scented with a spearmint essential oil, will also become larger and will be dyed with botanicals.

And lastly, I am going to introduce a new 100% natural bar, possibly scented with tea tree oil. This is still very much in the beginning phase of conceptualization.

I will have an official product launch in support of these changes, so be on the lookout!

Change is good;)

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